
Looking for light

Looking for light by red64
Looking for light, a photo by red64 on Flickr.

at Nishiumeda,Osaka.

Candle Night of 1000000@OSAKA CITY 2011 Summer (Nishiumeda Night)


A very merry christmas!

A very merry christmas!  by red64
A very merry christmas! , a photo by red64 on Flickr.

A very merry christmas!
Please reach a good holiday!

We can do it.
What will it be that we can do it on this Christmas?

Yoko Ono gives a message such as follows in 1998.
I think that "We can do it" is still effective.


This is a billboard event John and I did 29 years ago, in Xmas of 1969. At the time, it created good vibrations around the world and gave people strength.

The message is "We can do it". and it's still valid. If one billion people in the world would think peace - we're gonna get it. You may think "well, how are we going to get one billion people to think? Isn't this something we should leave to the politicians, who have the power to do those things?" Well, politicians cannot do anything without your support. We are the power. Remember, you don't have to do much. The power works in delicate and mysterious ways. Visualize the domino effect and just start thinking positive, that we are all together in this. Thoughts are infectious.

For this Holiday Season I wanted this to be a gift to you from John and I. Have fun with it. Stand in front of the Billboard. Take photos of yourselves, your friends and family. Send them out, so the message will circulate.

Above all, have fun. I hope you have a good one. Lots of love.

Yoko Ono

December 1, 1998

A very merry christmas!

A very merry christmas! by red64
A very merry christmas!, a photo by red64 on Flickr.

A very merry christmas!
Please reach a good holiday!


Light showers

Light showers by red64
Light showers, a photo by red64 on Flickr.

at Nishiumeda,Osaka.

Candle Night of 1000000@OSAKA CITY 2011 Summer (Nishiumeda Night)


Time warm and friendly time you

Time warm and friendly time you by red64
Time warm and friendly time you, a photo by red64 on Flickr.

Please do not forget warmth.
Because you are not one person...

Candle Night of 1000000@OSAKA CITY 2012 Summer (Nishiumeda Night)

at Nishiumeda,Osaka.


hitori de "think"

hitori de "think" by red64
hitori de "think", a photo by red64 on Flickr.

at umeda,Osaka.

hitori de "walk"

hitori de "walk" by red64
hitori de "walk", a photo by red64 on Flickr.

at umeda,Osaka.

on the corner

on the corner by red64
on the corner, a photo by red64 on Flickr.

at Umeda,Osaka.

futari de

futari de by red64
futari de, a photo by red64 on Flickr.


Bright tomorrow!

Bright tomorrow! by red64
Bright tomorrow!, a photo by red64 on Flickr.

at Umeda,Osaka.



in Light dane

in Light dane by red64
in Light dane, a photo by red64 on Flickr.

at Nishiumeda,Osaka.



Astro Boy

Astro Boy by red64
Astro Boy, a photo by red64 on Flickr.

at Umeda,Osaka.


Checking now...

Checking now... by red64
Checking now..., a photo by red64 on Flickr.

Taken by iPhone3GS.



Woman of kimono

Woman of kimono by red64
Woman of kimono, a photo by red64 on Flickr.

at Umeda,Osaka.

Taken by iPhone3GS.
