A very merry christmas!
Please reach a good holiday!
We can do it.
What will it be that we can do it on this Christmas?
Yoko Ono gives a message such as follows in 1998.
I think that "We can do it" is still effective.
This is a billboard event John and I did 29 years ago, in Xmas of 1969. At the time, it created good vibrations around the world and gave people strength.
The message is "We can do it". and it's still valid. If one billion people in the world would think peace - we're gonna get it. You may think "well, how are we going to get one billion people to think? Isn't this something we should leave to the politicians, who have the power to do those things?" Well, politicians cannot do anything without your support. We are the power. Remember, you don't have to do much. The power works in delicate and mysterious ways. Visualize the domino effect and just start thinking positive, that we are all together in this. Thoughts are infectious.
For this Holiday Season I wanted this to be a gift to you from John and I. Have fun with it. Stand in front of the Billboard. Take photos of yourselves, your friends and family. Send them out, so the message will circulate.
Above all, have fun. I hope you have a good one. Lots of love.
Yoko Ono
December 1, 1998
Yoko Onoは1998年に下記の様なメッセージを出しています。僕も"We can do it"は、今でも有効だと思います。要約すると、、、
"We can do it"というメッセージは今も有効です。もし10億の人々が平和を望むなら手に入れることができるのです。「私たちにそんな事ができるの?」「できるのは政治家じゃないの?」と思っている人は考えてください。政治家は私たちの支持が無ければ何もできないのです。私たちこそが「power(力)」なのです。決して多くのことをする必要はありません。powerは緩やかでも思ってもみない働きをするのです。ドミノ倒しを想像してみてください。そしてポジティブに考えることから始めてください。そうすることによって世界中に伝わるのです。
ヨーコ・オノ 1998年12月1日
A very merry Christmas!
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